
Here you will find our quarterly newsletter providing topical and current advice on all aspects of financial planning. These newsletters are intended to bring a few important, topical, issues to your attention. If you would like to discuss any of them (or any other aspect of your financial planning) in detail, please telephone for an appointment.

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In this issue we take a look at interest rates, bonds and the FTSE
In this issue we take a look at the FTSE, inflation and the budget
In this issue we take a look at the inflation and ISAs
In this issue we take a look at gifting your house, mitigating capital gains tax and inflation

UK News

More couples are choosing to get married on a weekday in order to save money.
Rod Ismay denies deleting emails about a 'back door' in Horizon
The prime minister says "there is more work to do" as the UK emerges from recession.
Growth was stronger than expected, but millions of households are yet to feel the benefit.
The economy grew by a stronger than expected 0.6% in the first three months of the year.